Popular Press

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Interview with Sarah DeWeerdt for the article How to map the brain. _Nature_, 571, S6-S8. doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02208-0.

Revitalized Community Curriculum Breathes New Life into the Webs First Virtual Organism, Interview with Rob Schaefer. _Mozilla Open Leaders Medium_, May 23

Perceptual time and the evolution of informational investment. Published in _Machines Like Us_.

Triangulating Scientific "Truths": an ignorant perspective. Profiled in _Humanity+_.

Artificial Life Meets Geodynamics (Evo-Geo). Profiled in _Humanity+_.

Virtual windows on brains at work, Interview with Sujata Gupta. _New Scientist_, March 17

Why Scientists are fooling animals with virtual reality, Interview with Rachel Nuwer. _Popular Mechanics_, April 10

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